Friday, February 11, 2011


After probably a month or so being clanless, i joined S.T.A.R.S clan. This was a nice clan witha supportive leader. Eventually we even progressed to doing CW, which was at that time locked down by the then power clan Aegis, reminants of the once great Citadel. shortly afterwards, S.T.A.R.S merged with ShakeTheHeavens and perhaps a month after that the once leader of S.T.A.R.S Veronican quit due to boredom. At that time i only had a handful of experts and 92e gear, must have been 6months ago now, probably more. Only 2 of the elites of S.T.A.R.S still play, Rmans and Hoput, however due to them taking extended hiatus's, I have surpassed them in gear and lvl.

It was in ShakeTheHeavens that i found my new home. They were a high lvl clan, and from what i gather, now one of the few remaining clans established when Orpesia was first created. Led by |Justice| it is probably one of the few high lvl clans who have the decency to share raids to anyone who has the capability to show up. Dispite what eventually happened, i hold both |Justice| and the clan as a whole in high regard, both for the unspoken code of honor, and their respect to other players regardless of lvl or clan.

In STH when i first joined, i found it alot less group orientated, but now that i am more experienced, i understand this was because as you get better, groups are rendered obsolete for most things. STH has many notable members, |Justice| his vices TheHidden, Silvite and Garmar, BlackWhisper who records both clan accomplishments and in chat lulz. Probably should stop there, as i might need permission to say anything more.

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