Friday, February 11, 2011

Thiodosius, some server history and GK

Anyways it was in STH i met and befriended the player who would eventually elevate me to the high lvled tier of the server. Thiodosius, currently on hiatus took me under his arm one day when i chipped a, well, very nice 96e golem 1h. At that point forward i became his apprentice and sidekick for what was undoubtably the most profitable area boss at that time outside of the elb and eln droppers, which were fiercely disputed over by the now tyranical top clan Phalanx*.

*Aegis fell apart after iss leader, the server changing Roley quit. Shortly after the leader quit they moved to a more selfish outlook warring and crushing the competition at both Lightening gate and Novia tower(Ice Gate) the 2 predominant ELN dropping raids. this promptly led to a crusade where they were utterly destroyed and left with "only one colony". This turned out to be the final straw, and they disbanded, only to reform as Phalanx. After a mass recruiting drive of countless noobies who eventually would be aoe fodder in the colony wars, they once again conquered the map now outnumbering their opposition 2 to 1. Anywho more on that later

Right anyways, Thiodosius introduced me to Heaven Giant Keeper, who is directly responsible for 17 of my constellation weapons. he has a spawning window of 8-10 hours, and when killed will drop 2 Magic spelled amethyst, 2 Liquid Gas, 2-3 lvl100 items, 2 lvl96 enchantment chips, 1 veteran glove OR boot. These are his garenteed drops. Furthermore he has the chance to drop any of the 12 symbols (50%), Dragon Heart reciepe(2%), enhansed or cut necklace reciepes(% unknown), 96e armour reciepes.

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